Fuel Poverty.
For a number of Housing Associations, up to 40% of their tenants are experiencing Fuel Poverty.
A key issue in tackling fuel poverty is a lack of knowledge and transparency around home energy use.
Our sensors can provide early indication of an underheated property and allow Housing Providers to engage with tenants.
Tenants may not realise or want to come forward to ask for support with heating our home but if our data shows a property consistently being heated to below a healthy limit, you will receive an alert to engage with the tenant.
This not only increases tenant wellbeing but can also help to avoid long term issues with the property.
The facts
The number of deaths per year in the UK that have been directly attributed to the person living in a cold home.
The cost to the NHS to treat tenants with respiratory , cardiovascular and mental health issues. All linked to living in Fuel Poverty.